Be an Innovator - Join Murata! Murata Global Career Website Be an Innovator - Join Murata! Murata Global Career Website

Murata contributes to the advancement of society and
the electronics industry by creating innovative products and solutions.
We respect diversity and have a strong teamwork spirit
to create innovation for the world.

Revenue (consolidated) 1,640.2 billion yen, Number of employees (consolidated) 73,165, Murata’s global market share of Multilayer ceramic capacitors 40%, Number of companies (consolidated) 85 Revenue (consolidated) 1,640.2 billion yen, Number of employees (consolidated) 73,165, Murata’s global market share of Multilayer ceramic capacitors 40%, Number of companies (consolidated) 85

*As of March 31, 2024

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Murata’s Story

Since our beginnings in 1944 in Kyoto, Murata has contributed to the advancement of society. Our Innovations can be found in a wide range of applications.

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Meet Our People

At Murata, we offer many opportunities to work with diverse teams & culture to grow together. Meet our people dedicated to challenges for "Innovator in Electronics" around the world.

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Global Locations

Murata has a significant global presence and operates a wide network of manufacturing facilities, research & development centers, and sales offices around the world. Please select your region to search, find and apply to job opportunities.

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